Lindsey ❤️ 26th December 2022

Christmas without Nina is Like a cracker in need of pulling. Like a glass of wine that needs more mulling. Like a stocking without presents. Like a champagne cocktail that lacks effervescence. Like a deep-filled mince pie without deep-filled mince. Like a Santa Claus who fails to convince. Like a card you've written but forgotten to send. Like It's A Wonderful Life without the bit at the end. Like an Ernie without an Eric. Like early-morning hysterics. Like a carol singer without carols. Like a tin of Cadbury's Roses with no Golden Barrels. Like a Bowie without a Bing. Like a merrily-on-high dong which doesn't have a ding. Like mistletoe which dangles and waits for a kiss. That’s what Christmas without Nina truly is.